2017 Annual Showgard Size Guide

2017 Size Guide for Showgard Mounts – U.S. Stamps

Catalog No.DescriptionSingles SizeMultiples SizePlate Blocks Showgard Size
5154Lunar New Year of the RoosterJ(4)#50Pane #151
5155Love Skywriting#24(4)#48Pane #139
5156$6.65 Lili’uokalani GardensAH(4)#63Pane #89
5157$23.75 Gateway ArchAH(4)#63Pane #89
5159(49-cent) Flag CoilE(5)#25#260/25
5160a(49-cent) Flag Booklet-10E(4)#50Booklet #44
5160b(49-cent) Flag Booklet-20E(4)#50Booklet #50
5162(49-cent) Flag Booklet-18 ATME(4)#50Booklet #66
5163-6(34-cent) Seashells- CoilE(5)#25#260/25
5167-70(34-cent) Seashells- BookletE(4)#25#63, Pane #127
5171Dorothy HeightJV(4)#50#165/94Pane #215
5172Patriotic Non Profit CoilE(5)#25#260/25
5173Oscar de la RentaAV, S(8)#80Pane #198*
5174 (21-cent) Uncle Sams HatE(4)#50#63, Pane #127
5175John F. KennedyAV(4)#80Pane #167
51775-cent GrapesE(4)#50#63, Pane #127
517810-cent Pears CoilE(5)#25#260/25
5179Nebraska StatehoodJ(4)#50#63, Pane #151
5180-9WPA PostersJV(10)#80Booklet #80
5190Mississippi StatehoodJ(4)#50#63, Pane #151
5191Robert Panara#31(4)#63Pane #163
5192-7Delicioso#24(6)#80Booklet #61*
5198$1.15 Green Succulent Global Forever#39(4)#80Pane #115
5199(49-cent) Celebration Boutonniere#31(4)#63Pane #143
5200(70-cent) Celebration Corsage#24(4)#48Pane #139
52013-cent StrawberriesE(5)#25#260/25
5202Henry David ThoreauJ(4)#50Pane #188
5203-10Have A Ball#33(8)#66Pane #163
5211Total Eclipse of the Sun#33(2)#33Pane #204/153
5212Andrew Wyeth PaintingsAH(12)#127Pane #171
5223-7SharksJ(5)#127Pane #188*
5213-22Disney VillainsAV(10)#80Top#117Btm #96Pane #181*
5228-32Protect PollinatorsJ(5)#127Pane #201
5233-6Flowers from the Garden CoilE(5)#25#260/25
5237-40Flowers from the Garden Booklet#31 Pane #61
5241-2Father Theodore HesburghJV(4)#50Coil #25Pane #151*
5243-6The Snowy Day#31(4)#63Pane #61*
5247-50Christmas Carols#24(4)#48Pane #61
5251African American History and CultureAH(4)#63Pane #188*
5252-3History of HockeyJV(2)#80Pane #204/153SS #91
B6Alzheimers Disease Semi PostalAV(4)#80Pane #188

Sheet Sizes for 2017 Issues *Mount with Seam running vertically.

Lunar New Year of the Rooster #151Mississippi Statehood #151Andrew Wyeth Paintings #171
Love Skywriting #139Robert Panara #163Sharks #188*
$6.65 Lili’uokalani Gardens#89Delicioso #61Disney Villains #181*
$23.75 Gateway Arch #89$1.15 Green Succulent Global #115Protect Pollinators #201
Dorothy Height #215(49-cent) Celebration Boutonniere#143Flowers From The Garden #61
Oscar de la Renta #198(70-cent) Celebration Corsage #139Father Theodore Hesburgh #151*
John F. Kennedy #167Henry David Thoreau #188The Snowy Day #61
Nebraska Statehood #151Have A Ball #163Christmas Carols #61
WPA Posters #80Total Eclipse of the Sun #204/153African American History #188*

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